Friday, June 20, 2008

Tulsi Green Tea

For over 5000 years, Tulsi (Holy Basil) has been one of the most cherished of India's sacred healing plants. Known to maintain general well-being and restore imbalances of the body and mind to a natural healthy state, the legendary Tulsi is honored and used daily by millions.

It is believed to open the heart, bring peace of mind, and bestow love and devotion. Modern scientific research confirms that Tulsi reduces stress, enhances stamina, strengthens immunity, improves metabolism, slows aging, reduces inflammation, protects against radiation, prevents gastric ulcers, lowers fevers, improves
digestion and provides a rich supply of antioxidants and other nutrients. Tulsi is especially effective in supporting the heart, blood vessels, liver and lungs. Tulsi promots calmness and clarity and is rich in natural antioxidants.


Chris said...

My mom used to have a Tulsi plant, I used to water them regularly. We didn't use it for tea but for ceremonial purposes.

Chris said...

Can we get this Tulsi variety in the Indian store? I see so many varieties of Basil, hope to test this once.

Anonymous said...

nice posting on tulsi green tea.Tulsi Green Tea is a unique combination of Tulsi & Green Tea, which helps in weight reduction. Studies suggest that green tea boost metabolism and helps burn fat. Tulsi