Friday, February 13, 2009

The story of a monkey

Last night after I finished telling my daughter, who is 22 months old, a story, I told her it was now her turn to tell me a story. This is how it went:

Me - Now it's your turn to tell me a story.

Her - Monkey

Me - Oh you're story is about a monkey?

Her - Yes, and big hat.

Me - The monkey is wearing a big hat. What color?

Her - Orange.

Me - The monkey is wearing a big orange hat. And what else?

Her - Dresses.

Me - The monkey wearing wearing a dress?

Her - Yes.

Me - What is the monkey doing with a dress on?

Her - Cooking.

Me - So the monkey is wearing a big orange hat and a dress and the
monkey is cooking. What is monkey cooking.

Her - Muffin and put salt and pepper.

Me - Wow that sounds like fun but I don't know if it will taste good with salt and pepper on muffins.

Her - Yes, it's good.

Me - That's a good story. Now what will the monkey do after eating the muffins.

Her - Go sleep.

So that is her story of a monkey. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Styx Pub

Just beside Cauvery, near the Brigade road - MG Road crossing is a pub called Styx. Climb up a flight of stairs and you're there. Styx is a pub that is home to the heavy metal aficionados of the city. They have big aquariums full of exotic fish, muted lighting, cane furniture and blaring music. Don't go there if you like any kind of music that is slow, sweet or country. The music played there is heavy metal, which makes it a great place for the head bangers who can drink beer by the pitchers. If you have a special request, have no fear, just go tell the DJ what you want to hear and he will play it for you. I think Pink Floyd is pretty popular there. And if you have to see the video of your song, don't worry because there is a huge TV screen on the wall that plays the videos of songs.

As among every pub and restaurant in Bangalore, it is hard to get a seat. Styx does not have many tables as the place is a small square footaged area so if you don't get there early there is a good change you have to wait.

The real reason why I am blogging about Styx is because of the food. I was thinking of making chicken when I remembered their Drums of Heaven. Drums of Heaven is of course chicken legs but the taste is so amazing you can not stop eating them. I have tried the Drums of Heaven in other restaurants but nothing compares to the ones you get in Styx.

What a coincidence that I am posting this today about Styx. The last time I was there (years ago) was on my birthday. HA HA!

Happy birthday to me!!!

Have you ever looked up the word birthday? Well, I did and here is what it means.

The melody to the song “Happy Birthday to You” (also known as "The Birthday Song") was written in the early 1890’s by an American woman by the name of Mildred Hill. Her sister Patti, who was a teacher, put the lyric “Good morning dear teacher, good morning to you” to fit the melody. The song grew in popularity over the years and was eventually sung in schools across the US. Some forty years later, it is believed that Patti came up with the words "Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear , Happy Birthday to You," and fit those words to her sister’s melody. The entire song was then published in 1935. The song was popularized later in the 1930's when it was sung in the Broadway production of “As Thousands Cheer,” and has since become the mega-classic hit of all time. One final interesting tidbit: The "Happy Birthday to You" song (lyrics and melody together) are still under copyright protection, so every time you hear it sung on TV or radio, for example, royalties are being paid to the publisher (Warner Chapel, in the US).

Did you know:
  • More people celebrate their birthdays in August than in any other month (about 9% of all people). The two other months that rate high for birthdays are July and September.
  • Close to 2 billion birthday cards are sent each year in the U.S. alone, accounting for nearly 58 percent of all cards sent.
  • The world's largest birthday cake was created in 1989 for the 100th Birthday of the city of Fort Payne, Alabama. The cake weighed 128,238 pounds, 8 oz. and used 16,209 pounds of icing.

What is your favorite beer?

Sometimes it is nice to have a ice cold beer on a real hot day. There are a couple that I would choose. I have not had that many different kinds of beer so I am gonna have to say either a Corona or MGD (Miller Genuine Draft). I don't like lagars or anything like that.

Beer is one of the world's oldest beverages. It dates back to the 6th millenium BC. The earliest known chemical evidence of beer dates to circa 3500–3100 BC from the site of Godin Tepe in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran.

Beer was known to Germanic and Celtic tribes in Europe as far back as 3000 BC.

More than 35 billion gallons (133 billion liters) are sold per year.

There is a movie called 'Beerfest'. I don't want to tell the whole movie but it's about a few guys that have an old family beer recipe. The go to Germany to a beer competition to save their family secret and to gain a bruery.

There is actually a beer festival. I wonder if Chris is a regular there. LOL

There are so many drinking games and songs. If I knew any, I would tell you. If you know any good ones that you enjoy, feel free to leave mention it here.

Drink responsibly!!!