Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Giving candy at toll booths

Here is a nice story to share with you all.

It's a common thing here in India at the toll booths to give you a piece of candy that costs 1 rupee instead of actually giving you that 1 rupee. Is this a good thing or a bad thing. Let's think about it. It's a good thing for them if by chance they don't have that 1 extra rupee to give you. It's a bad thing for us because it makes us want to eat that candy because it is sitting right there on the dashboard and keeps looking at us saying "Eat Me, Eat Me!" Not good for the people who are trying to watch their weight. Well here is an idea for you. Give it back! They will not only give you 1 or 2 but even 5. We got 5 of them from one toll booth. When we reached the next toll, they asked if I had 5 rupees and instead of giving them 5 rupees, I gave them the 5 candies I got from the previous booth. Luckily for me, the accepted it. First, they were like oh come on what's this. We told them you guys give it out as change so why can't we. After they accepted it, we told them to eat it and be happy. I'm pretty sure that won't work very often as their job is to collect the money not to collect candy. But it sure was funny.

Since I am on the topic of toll booths. Once we were in the line and in the lane next to us the guy didn't pay his toll and drove off. The security quickly moved the gate in front of the car but the car just crashed into it. Now I don't understand that why he would dent and scratch his car all us just for 45 rupees. Well anyway... :)

1 comment:

Chris said...

The guy is stupid. He deserves what he got.