Wednesday, January 21, 2009

There's a cow outside!

I loved that movie Barnyard. It was so hilarious, expecially the part where the woman says to her husband, "There's a cow outside." and he replies, "This is a cow farm, you're gonna find cows outside." Everytime I hear that line I just crack up.

Well there is a story I read this morning about a woman in Boulder, Colorado was riding her bicycle on the South Boulder Creek Trail and stopped to let a cow cross. Well I guess the cow did not want to cross or did not want her there because instead of him crossing and going on with his business, he knocked the woman off her bike and stepped on her legs. That was not too friendly of him. Luckily, the woman was not seriously hurt and think of the story she can tell her grandkids. It is not funny really but it really is an odd thing to hear about.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Cows rule always LOL, they were here long before humans :)